Car rides

I should know by now the dangers of me going on long(ish) car rides alone, at night. I start getting all of these crazy ideas, start thinking that I can actually do something more with my life than sit a desk for the next 30 years.

What would it look like to not have stability for the next 30 years? What would it look like to live an adventurous life. This is where all of the crazy ideas start. Well not all, some of the crazy ideas come while I’m cross-stitching, others while I’m reading books (I should also restrain myself from reading books about people doing crazy things).

You see this little brain of mine is always running. It always has some weird thought or a new idea. A friend of mine likes to call it “stoner brain” because it basically functions like the brain of someone who is high, just without me being high. I’m not sure if this is a blessing or a curse.

So I was driving last night, a little jaunt from Boulder back home to Littleton and I opened the brain. I let that little sneaky idea that lives in the back of your brain, right behind the left ear, out to play. And oh dear, did it want to play.

I’ve often had this strange thought, it generally goes something like this: “I could write a book, my “stoner brain” ideas and I could totally write a book.” Yup, those ideas are the ones that should maybe stay in the back of the brain, just behind the left ear. But it came out to play and here we are. I’ve committed to trying to write, at least 5 minutes a day. To see where this goes. To push forward through all of the crazy thoughts that come to me. To share with you all of the weird analogies I develop while crafting.

Fair warning, this isn’t going to be clean. God and I have a lot of interesting conversations and they generally aren’t clean. You’ve been warned. This is not a PG book because life isn’t PG. Hell, the Bible isn’t PG (let’s just discuss the number of people who died in the Old Testament, oh and then there’s Song of Songs).

I’ve committed, and maybe you haven’t yet, maybe you have, to this weird journey. These weird thoughts might me something to you, I hope they do. They certainly mean something to me.


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